- Scholarship by ( DAAD ) Deutscher Akademisher Austausch. Federal Republic of Germany, the period : June - July / 2002.
Project title : Seville : Realm of the saints , methodological approch .
Host institution : the Ruhr university of Bochum.
Faculty associate : Prof. Dr. Gerhard Endress.
Host Institution : The institute of Oriental studies. - Fulbright grant for the period: August - December / 2005.
Hostinstitution : university of Arkausus - Fayetteville.
Faculty Associate :Prof. Dr. Vincent Cornell Professor and Director of King Fahd center for Middle East and Islamic studies.
Project title : Andalusian sufi Poet al-Mirtulli al -Zahid : historical and symbolic figure. - Fulbright grant for visiting specialists program, for period : September - October / 2009.
Host institution : Chatham university , Chatham college for women , Pittsburgh, PA.
Project title : Interrelgious dialogue : Between religious traditions and world views.
* CNRS grant (National Centre for Scientific Research), Paris, France. for the period: April - June / 2013.
Project title : culture, society and civilization in the Western Mediterranean .
The host university: University of Sorbonne, Paris VI, France.
Faculty associate : Prof. Dr. Pascal Buresi, director of the project : the imperial government and power in Medieval Muslim West (2010- 2015).