Professor Hayat Kara :
Mohammed V- unversity - Rabat - Maroc
Responsible of ( U-F-R ) research and formation
Unity in Andalousian and Maghrebian studies.
Detail of Research Activities Publication
- Rasâil Andalùsia - Jadîda (ALMORAVIDES era, (Anthology of Medieval prose in al-Andalus)
- Edition Dâr Annajâh - AI Jadida - Casablanca Maroc 1994 (119 p)
- Abû ‘L’ Abbâs - Ibn Shakîl - aI Andalusî : « Poet of Jerez»,Cultural Foundation publications , Abudhabi - 1998, (101 p) ( Diwan of poems in Medieval Andalus ).
- Kanz – aI- Kuttâb - wa - Muntakhab al-âdàb ( Anthology of of Medieval Literature in al-Andalus ),
A study and edition of an Epistolary Manuscript by Abû Ishâq al- Fihrî al-Sharishi Known as al-Bùnisi ( d. 651 H/ 1253 ), - AbuDhabi, Cultural Fondation Publications ,2004, (981 p).
- AL Mûqtadàb min- Kitâb- simt al-jomàn- wa-saqt-al-Adhàn : ( on bibliography in Medieval Andalus ),
A study and Epistolary Manuscript by Ibn al – Imâm al-Istijî (d after 560 / 1164) . Dâr Annajah al- jadîda - Casablanca - Morocco. 2002 (167 p). - Sharh Mushkil and Gharib alfad - Maquamat al-Hariri ,by abu Talib -Abd al-Jabbar al-Maa'firi al-Qurtubi ( study on al-Hariri's style), Study and edition of an unpubished Manuscript . Ed, Marqaz al-Turat al-Maghribi, Cairo , Casablanca , 2005, 192p.
- Quira' a -fi- Adabi al- Nafs ( contemplation on the Nafs ): Abu 'Imran al-Mirtulli al-Andalusi's poems ,( study on sufism in Medieval Andalus),Ed, Dar al-Aman, Rabat, Morocco, 2008, 175 p.
- Maqalah fi al-Makayil al-shar'riyah , by ibn al-Banna al-Murrakushi ,( study of Islamic measures texts in Medieval al-Andalus and Maghreb) , Ed Dar alkotob alilmiyah , Beirut , Lebanon , 2009, 160 p .
- Abu al-Tayyeb Salih ibn-Sharif al-Rundi (d. 684 H / 1285 ) Poetry and Prose (316 p) , albabtain Prize institution ,al-Wafa' Ed , Alexandrie 2010
- Women in the medieval Mediterranean : Culture and society ( 210 p ) Bouragrag edition , Rabat , Morocco 2011
- Collection of poems by Abu al-Qasim Ghanim al-asfihani ( d. after 424 h), albabtain prize institution , Kuwait , 2013.
- Lisan al-Dine ibn al-Khatib 's Maqalah on the plague " Muqni'at al-sà'il 'an al-marad al-hà'il (Demenstration to the questioner on the terrible plague), Ed ,Dar al-Aman, Rabat , 2015, (114 p).
- Al-Fawa'id al-Musattara Fi-'Ilm al-Baytara ( Veterinary knowledge), by Ibn Hudhayl al-Gharnati ( eighth / fourteenth century) , study of an Epistolary Manuscript, ed. Association of Horses's exhibition , Rabat - Morocco , 2015, ( 245 p).
- Al-Manzùm wal-mantùr fi l-rihla ilà Màlaqa ( Journey to Malaqa in 744H/ 1346 CE), study and Edition of an unpublished manuscript, Published by the Moroccan association for the Andalusian studies , Tetouan , Morocco 2016, 153 p.
- The rural Andalusian Women through Ibn Mandour al-Malaqi's Fatwa on " expenses for Wives divorced ", study and edition of unpublished manuscript, pd, Dar al-Hadith al-Kattaniya,Tanger,Morocco, 2019
- Collection of poems by Abd al-'Aziz AL-Malzuzi_Merinides court poet, Prof. HAYAT KARA, Dar al-Aman, Rabat, 2022, p 301