Professor Hayat Kara
Responsible of ( U-F-R ) research and formation
Unity in Andalousian - Maghrebian studies ( 2001 - 2010 ).
Mohammed V- University, Rabat - Morocco
Study and graduate :
A superior study : Mohammad Ibn-Abdillah university, (Faculté de lettres et sciences humaines )- Fes, Morocco.
- 1975 : bachelor in Arabic literature.
- 1984-1986 : D.E.A ( Master degree) , Arabic litetrature.
- 1989 :Doctorate in Arabic literature( doctorat d’étude du 3ème sycle).
- 1997 : P. h. D (doctorat d’état) ( Andalusian literature ) A study and Edition of an Epistolary Manuscript by Abû Ishâq al-Fihri al-Sharîchî known as al-Bunisi.
Employment :
Academic Responsebility:
- 1986-1988 : assistant professor , la Faculté de lettres- Université Mohammed Ibn- Abdillah- Fez.
- 1989-1997 : assistant ( maitre assistante) professor, la Faculté de lettres- Fez.
- 1997-1998 :Hability Professor , Faculté de lettres- université Ibn Tofayl- Kenitra- Maroc.
- 1998- 2001 : research professor , Faculté de lettres- Université Mohammed v – Agdal- Rabat.
- Since 2002 : university professor, Mohammad Vuniversity , Rabat, Agdal , Morocco.
- 2001-2010 : Responsible of( U. F. R) unity of research ,Mohammed V University – Rabat-Agdal , Morocco.
- 2002 - 2010 , Responsible of thesis P.h.D, Mohammad V university , Rabat-Agdal, Morocco.
- present - Professor of the Andalusian literature and civilisation ,Mohammad V University , Rabat, Morocco.
Actvities : formation, research :
- Formation : Responsible of ( U. F.R )research and formation unity in andalusian and Maghribian studies . Mohammad V university , Rabat -Agdal, Morocco.
- Responsible of thesis P.h.D. at Mohammad V University- Rabat- Morocco.
- Membership of the scientific commitee of the Hasan II prize for Manscripts and archives, 2011
- Since 2015 membership of the Scientific commitee of the Hasan II Prize for Manuscripts and archives.
- Membership of the scientific commitee of the Morocco Book Award,2016
Research focus :
- Andalulusian literature, civilization and Islamic studies.
- Â Scientific Membership:
- 2009- Editorial Board in ORIENS Revue, Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum, Germany.
Academic membership :